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Waters Edge AC, Island Pool

Fourteen (14) anglers from Waters Edge AC attended their latest club fixture here at Woodside on the Island pool. Conditions on the day were relatively settled with the promise of rain failing to materialise. That said, given the amount of rainfall experienced the day prior to the match, and with nearly every peg in, sport on the day was not on par with recent weeks.

Winner on a tough day was Paul Symonds (Simoz Floats), who drew peg 16. Fishing shallow over to the island accounted for most of Paul's winning weight with pole fished pellet tempting 51-06-00 of carp.

Second place went to Anthony Shuck from fancied peg 2. Offering corn and banded 8mm pellet down his edge on feeder tactics, Anthony managed 35-08-00 of carp to finish narrowly ahead of third placed Rich Costello.

Richard drew peg 12 on the opposite bank close to the island and opted to fish paste down his edge to weigh in 33-01-00 of carp.

1st P. Symonds (Simoz Floats), Peg 16, 51-06-00, Pole & pellet shallow

2nd A. Shuck, Peg 2, 35-08-00, Corn & pellet in the margins

3rd R. Costello, Peg 12, 33-01-00, Paste in the margins


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