Seventeen (17) anglers from White Hall Rushwick attended their first match here at Woodside with both Woodside and Island pools being in. Conditions on the day were unseasonably cold with a cool wind and heavy showers during the day.
Winner on the day on Woodside pool was Michael Bryant, who drew peg 10. Starting his match fishing expanders on the long pole, Michael managed a steady run of carp before switching to his short line later on, again with expanders, to find some better stamp bonus fish. Michael took the match win with 60-10-00.
Finishing close behind in second place was Dave Warren on neighbouring peg 8. Fishing 6mm expanders over fishery 4mms, Dave caught most of his fish from down his edge to weigh in 57-01-00.
Trevor Davis concluded a tight top three on Woodside pool with 49-05-00 from peg 6. Fishing both 6mm pellet and paste down his edge, Trevor managed some good quality fish to sneak inside the mainframe finish.
1st | M. Bryant | 10 | 60-10-00 | Pole & pellet long and short |
2nd | D. Warren | 8 | 57-01-00 | Pole & pellet in the margins |
3rd | T. Davis | 6 | 49-05-00 | Pellet & paste in the margins |

Winner on the day on Island pool was Mick Watling from peg 2. Alternating between 6mm hard pellet and 'conker' hookbaits, Mick was into fish from the off and managed to keep fish coming to the net throughout the day. Come the weigh in, Mick offered 105-06-00 to the scales to confirm a comfortable victory.
Second place was confirmed by Mal Harrison from neighbouring peg 3. Fishing paste short, Mal also managed some good quality fish throughout the day to finish the match with 73-04-00.
Finishing in third place was Gareth Mantin, who drew peg 11. Offering 6mm pellet down his edge on the method feeder, Gareth weighed in 45-07-00 of mainly carp.
1st | M. Watling | 2 | 105-06-00 | Pole & pellet |
2nd | M. Harrison | 3 | 73-04-00 | Pole & paste short |
3rd | G. Mantin | 11 | 45-07-00 | Method feeder in the margins |
